International Guild of Realism

Members M - O (click name or image to view artist's page)


Rob MacIntosh

Russell Mackensen

Gayle Madeira

Cheryl Magellen

Emily Main

Cendriah Maloney

Jane Manco

Pamela Mangelsdorf

Stephen Mangum

Arline Mann

Diane Rudnick Mann

Karla M. Mann

Linda Mann (Arizona)

Linda Mann (Washington)

Michela Mansuino

Debbie Marr

David Martinez

Elena Martino

Diane Masek-Blow

Barbara Mason

Sherry Mason

Gabrielle Matlock

Brenda Matsen

Edi Matsumoto


Mike Mazer

In Memoriam

D. Arthur McBride

Cathy McClelland

Dan McCrary

Laurin McCracken

Mark McDermott

Anne McGrory

Candis McKinzie

Dave McNally

Karen Merkin

Meg Merry

Katrina Methot-Swanson

Thomas Richard Mewborn

Jacqueline Meyerson

Anat Michaeli

Christina Michalopoulou

Lacey Middleton

Carol Miller

James Miller

Nathan Miller

Stephanie Mills

John Moffitt

Pat Monical

Christopher B. Mooney

Brenda Morgan

Diane Morgan

Elizabeth Morgan

Paulette Morrissey

Sharon Moseley

Cindy Valek Mottl

Sripriya Mozumdar

Dick Mueller

Glenn Murray

Sreedevi Nair

Terri Neal

Stephanie Neely

Glenn Nelson

Jan Anders Nelson

Priscilla Nelson

Rock Newcomb

Eileen Nistler

Micheal J. Niswonger

Tara Nix

D. Wynne Nixon

Ken Northup

Nugzari Novikoff

Charles Nowell

Lisa Nugent

Barbara Nuss

Sivananda Nyayapathi

Rachel O'Connor

Kate ODell

Karie O'Donnell

Carmin Olson

Brian O'Neill

Marissa Oosterlee

Michelle Osman

Laurence O'Toole

Theresa Otteson

Yumi Overson

Lori Owen



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